Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Heavy Days and Heavier Drops

I kind of had a bad day today. I dropped my phone in a freshly-made Michigan snowbank today and it won't play sound on its speaker anymore. I misplaced my glasses and had to go to class and work while dealing with my nearsightedness. I lost a glove, which just so happened to be on the first day of snow and one of the windiest days this year. Sometimes, life is a bitch.

Through all that though, there's probably one kind of music that I'm recently becoming more interested in, and it can turn around a bad day instantly. Denizens of the internet, whether you've heard it or not, I give you...Dubstep.

Now, I won't say I'm an all-knowing master of the art, let alone a self-proclaimed one. That said, I have no freaking clue how they make this stuff. It's incredible. The beats, the mixing, the lyrics you sometime can understand but most of the time can't, the random internet meme inserted before the drop, and the actual drop.

Oh my GOD that drop. >.<

Lame puns aside, some people can't stand the genre just because of said drop, and I can understand. It really does sound like a bunch of random noise in a way, or if you were to turn up a radio really loud and fiddle around with the frequency knob, then distort the resulting noise into an incredibly low pitch. In my opinion, however, there's a deeper appreciation to be had here. Sure it might sound like random noise to anybody, but the electronics and guitars behind it are making it sound like a noise that's just completely out of this world and like nothing else you've ever heard before. To me it almost sounds natural being part of a fast-paced racing game or a retro sci-fi game. Being the outrageously nerdy alternative-metal-rock lover that I am, that's something that I can bang my head to, or at least give a fist-pumping rock-on hand gesture.

Skrillex is one of the most well-known artists that I've found on Youtube (again, I'm not an all-knowing mastermind), and they have several more awesome remixes and tracks to listen to. If you enjoyed the above video, go see more of it. You probably won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hello, World.

Welcome to my new blog! Here I'll be posting about...well, whatever the hell I feel like posting about. It'll mostly be about video games, movies, entertainment, music, or whatever is going on at the time, but mostly video games, because they, like Bungie, will one day achieve world domination.

If I can find a decent streaming or recording program, I might make some Youtube videos and some Let's Plays. Any suggestions on some decent recording software, like Hypercam2 but something that works on Mac maybe? I dunno, just post some suggestions if you feel like it.

Crazy stories pop up every day too, so I guess I can post something like that too every once in a while. For example, some guy got busted for filming a chick in the bathroom, and it was his mother-in-law. Kinda disgusting, but definitely crazy, and even hilarious.

I guess I could leave the end of the blog post like that, but I'm too busy playing Dungeon Defenders, Orcs Must Die!, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, Arkham City, Sonic Generations, and of course, Skyrim, and not to mention the newly minted Legend of Zelda 3DS with Ocarina of Time and Mario Land 3D. It'll be one hell of a holiday season.