Saturday, December 3, 2011

Give Me Liberty or Kingdom Hearts III

I freakin' love the Kingdom Hearts games.

While I should say that Square Enix isn't at their best right now (*cough* Final Fantasy XIV *cough*), one thing they did do right is take a seemingly huge risk at making a game that combined their own Final Fantasy characters and...Disney cartoons? Yep, and somehow, it really works out to be a wonderful adventure game with tons of memorable moments and a huge backstory.

Still, one has to wonder if the backstory is too huge. Aside from the first outing on the Playstation 2 and the later sequel, the continually expanding universe of Kingdom Hearts is nothing short of an extensive wikipedia article by now, and it will continue to grow from the release of several spin-off games on consoles that aren't the Playstation 3. That's not necessarily a bad thing; I played 358/2 Days and loved it on Nintendo DS, and it really explained the unexplained when it came to Roxas and Organization XIII. However, that happened before Kingdom Hearts 2, and while I am interested in knowing the whole story, the cliffhanger at the end of 2 is definitely more interesting to me.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be spin-off games (if you can even call them that), but in terms of the timeline of released titles, they sure are taking their sweet time making Kingdom Hearts 3. Yeah I know, the crew probably have more important projects to work on at the present moment, but that doesn't change the fact that there's a ton of fans out there like me who are anxious as hell to see what that note from King Mickey said instead of what happened in the past or between games. The very first game came out in 2002, and while Chain of Memories connected the first and second games and held its own pretty well for a digression in 2004, Kingdom Hearts 2 came out in 2006. Since then, there has been a PSP title, a Nintendo DS title, a 3DS title coming out next year, and...a mobile phone title? Okay...

It's almost 2012, and I'm kind of praying I can get to see Kingdom Hearts 3 before the world ends in a fiery ball of rumor-ridden death. Who knows though? Maybe Square Enix is secretly working with Valve in an undisclosed location, both developers crafting the hell out of their greatest games that the world has ever seen.

Yet, I can think of another game that we know a lot about, has a 3 in the name, is from a pretty famous developer, and that I really want to play. It'll cause a fiery hell to be unleashed when it finally launches, even though it's being caused by a Blizzard...

Yeah, that joke was terrible. 8D

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