Thursday, March 22, 2012

Make It Pop

I'm still not talking about video games this week. I'm probably going to personally regret writing about this, but...

Pop music. Holy hell, pop music. I love to HATE it, or is it I hate to LOVE it?

One thing is for sure is that it won't be going anywhere anytime soon. It's been around in some form technically as long as we can remember. The genre has to do with pop culture, which has evolved over the course of time, so you could consider Mozart a pop music artist from around the time of the American Revolution for all I care.

Today, most know pop music by their heavier-than-average bass beats, their easy-to-remember lyrics, and most of all, their catchy-as-all-hell melodies and tunes. Not all pop music is the same, or even has these specific characteristics, but usually it's something that's always played whenever you want to "have a good time" or "party". Personally, I used to hate the living guts out of the stuff, but in retrospect, I would always find myself tapping my foot or humming the tune anyway just because the song was so catchy. Then it gets stuck in your head and you can't think of anything else and you torture yourself to forget about it and etc. etc.

Why is it though that we find these songs clogging up the popularity charts all the time?

Well, it's mostly for what I already said above. They are all catchy, easy to learn the lyrics for, and have a basic beat that anyone can tap their foot or bob their head to. The genre is designed for the widest audience out of them all, and it does what music is supposed to do best: Make you feel good. Look at the artists that everybody knows, for example. All of their albums are filled with songs that are mostly this genre, and any other songs that somehow got into the popularity charts are usually by some other band whose songs are a little more niche appeal (and those I usually like more).

I guess it's just a thing with preference. Any kind of music can make you feel good if you enjoy it, but the basic formula of a pop song appeals to our senses like no other song does. It somehow penetrates your conscious mind and makes you enjoy it even if you downright hate it. While that may be somewhat bad, you can't really complain when you're belting out the lyrics for Tik Tok while dancing back and forth in your car, all while other drivers are staring and trying not to laugh.

Regardless, for those of you that just can't stand them, I say you should at least give them a try. Don't attempt to enjoy a song that you know you hate, but just listen to a pop music radio station or something one time for an hour or two. You're bound to find at least one song that you genuinely like, after which you'll probably punch yourself in the gut for admitting that to yourself, but you'll still enjoy it nonetheless. You could even try listening to songs from previous years (they tend to drop from popularity relatively quickly after all).

Though I do find them a little obnoxious overall, I'd say this is my favorite right now:

Heh heh heh heh...

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