Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Step Forward

"'s about time." -Tychus Findlay, Starcraft II

Nintendo announced today that they will be selling games digitally and by retail at the same time, for the first time. Somebody pinch me, because I never thought this would happen so soon, let alone in the next five years.

Not only that, but the upcoming Wii-U, successor to the Wii, will have all of its launch titles available for digital distribution as well. Of all the times for Nintendo to drop a bomb shell, especially the bomb shell announcing that they're finally starting to move forward into the present day of video games.
This announcement comes on the day that they reported their first annual loss ever as a public company due to the poor initial sales of the 3DS, so I suppose this has some synergy for both their investors and fans around the world. It assures us that Nintendo hasn't lost it's touch, and while they're significantly late to the party, they are still a factor in today's industry and still a wonderful developer of some of the finest games.

You can read all about their financial results briefing here, and I'm sorry about another short post. It's still the week before finals week, and there's so much time and so little to do...

Wait...flip that.

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