Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Don't Always Play Motorcycle Games, But When I Do...

I play this one, or at least I do now. It was only recently released for the Xbox Live Arcade (and only that), and I'm having a blast.

What do you mean another game came out this past Tuesday?**

Anyway, Trials is a game developed by RedLynx, a studio within Ubisoft. This is a game where you peruse obstacles and courses, trying to reach the end without killing or hurting yourself (both virtually and physically, more on that later). The only catch is that you're on a motorcycle. If you've never heard of what Trials is before, consult the video below:

Ridiculous? Possibly. Difficult? Hell yeah.

Enter now Trials: Evolution. Obviously there are the more obstacle course-oriented tracks like the above, but there are also motocross inspired tracks that have more hills and ramps than actual obstacles.

Controlling your bike with the Xbox controller is where things get sketchy. Easier tracks are more forgiving, but on the harder tracks, the slightest acceleration or incorrect tilt on a landing can cause you to crash and reset. Unfortunately, this does give the game a little bit of a learning curve, even with the built-in tutorial levels, and it does make the difficulty sway up and down at times, making the level difficulties slightly misleading on some occasions. However, once you get the hang of a track and get in a little practice, the gameplay is very satisfying. If you can avoid killing yourself in the game over and over, not only will you succeed and have tons of fun, but you'll avoid getting frustrated to the point of wanting to chuck your television through the nearest window.

Does the game stop there? Are you kidding? There's multiplayer to play up to 4 people across Xbox Live, your friend list, or locally. There's even downloadable tracks that other people make with the game's level editor, providing virtually an endless supply of content.

For 1200 MS Points (or $15), that's one hell of a deal, because not many games today have so much content for such a cheap price (as well as multiplayer support for almost all the levels).

There's so much more you can do in this game than just make motorcycle tracks too, so I will leave you all with the Trailer to see for yourselves.

**Yes I know, I'm drowning in it right now. Maybe later.

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