Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He'd Kill Me if I Didn't Post About it

I'm here to forcefully...I mean, post with an obligation towards a new video game coming out. It's about everybody's favorite Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, and it looks awesome.

But seriously, it looks ridiculously awesome.

Not only does the game's trailer look amazing, but already the marketing strategy behind this game is awesome and hilarious. The real Deadpool seems to have created his own Facebook page, his own Twitter account, and he even reads his own press release in his own style and finesse.

Below is the uncensored trailer, and holy hell, I laughed, cried, and crapped my pants at the same time.

All other information you can find at his website, and you should probably go there, because not only does it have it's own humor and awesomeness as well, but because...well, because Deadpool.

If you don't, he'll probably find you and punch you in the face until you do. So do it. NOW.

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