Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Didn't Think I was Wrong

In my second post ever on this blog, I referred to the artist known as Skrillex as dubstep. I would graciously like to reinforce this statement, as well as add some additional information.

Dubstep is a form of electronic music that has many, many noises happening all at the same time, but relies mostly on heavy bass beats, occasional guitar-ish noise, creative drum styles and patterns, and clips / samples of melodies or even other pieces of media (for example, the above. OH MY GOSH)

Right now, Skrillex specifically is being referred to as "brostep", a sub-genre of dubstep that is basically the result of American localization of the genre. According to Wikipedia, it features more emphasis on the middle-range sounds rather than the bass sounds, as well as almost robotic-sounding melodies and patterns.

This makes sense. If you compare Skrillex to other electronic artists such as deadmau5, you can clearly see a different pattern. While there is still the robotic melodies and bass beats, the patterns in brostep, let alone dubstep, are a little more varied and aggressive.

It's really interesting how these men can create such amazing music without the need of classical instruments, or arguably the traditional process of writing a song. Big name bands take years to write an album's worth of songs solely because of their talents with their instruments and writing lyrics, and yet these gentlemen have gotten their genres down to a science, cranking out dance beats like factories.

Controversial, but I can appreciate a world where a catchy song not only doesn't have to have lyrics, but it doesn't have to involve any actual instruments. :)

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