Thursday, August 2, 2012

Breaking Gamer Stereotypes: Gender Distribution

Every time I visit Xbox Live to play online, I hear a lot of crap. Unwanted crap. Needless crap. The kind of crap that you would find in a toilet or a sewage plant.

That said, I'm here to notify those that are unaware that we gamers are not your typical homophobic, basement shut-ins that many media sources make us out to be. We are intelligent, and we are not afraid of you or anyone else who tries telling us otherwise.

Anyway, this is a new series of posts where I bring up a common stereotype amongst gamers and disprove it outright, followed by a quiet burial of said stereotype where afterward it will never be spoken of again, lest we unleash its zombified wrath.

To kick this off, and I apologize if this seems short because this stereotype is very baffling and simple to understand why it's incredibly false, let's state that only guys play video games. They are a man's way of relaxing and entertaining himself, while our wives, sisters, and female companions are off playing with dollhouses, cooking, and cleaning.

Yeah. No.

According to the Entertainment Software Association , 47% of gamers are female. 47%! That is literally almost half of all gamers on the planet. Xbox Live can go suck on that for a while.

If you honestly think that girls are unable to be gamers, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Get off of your "manly" high horse and go back a handful of decades, because there's no place for you here in the gaming community. It's obvious enough that they deserve to be viewed and treated with respect and courtesy just like any other gamer, or person for that matter.

Again, there really isn't a whole lot more to say on this matter. It's a painfully obvious stereotype that some idiots unfortunately believe in and needs to be killed off.

For the record, I typed all this, and I'm male. Grow some balls Xbox Live. Jackasses...

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