Saturday, August 11, 2012

Games On Steam You Should Be Playing (4)

It's time once again for the games you may not know but secretly love, and therefore you should hand them your wallet before they get second thoughts.

The Binding of Isaac

A bit disturbing, but still stupidly fun and addicting, The Binding of Isaac is a dungeon crawler that will either give you nightmares or make your dreams come true (if your dreams consist of killing monsters and flies with your own tears). You can see many similarities to dungeons from the old Legend of Zelda games from bombs to items that you can use. The gameplay is very similar to that as well except you have a ranged attack all the time and that attack consists of you literally shooting your own tears off your face at them.

To be fair, I haven't played a whole lot of the game yet, but I do love Legend of Zelda, especially the older ones with the top-down dungeons. If addictive dungeon crawling is your thing, this little chunk of humor is rightfully yours.

Poker Night at the Inventory
It's exactly what it looks and sounds like. No, really. Poker Night at the Inventory is a game where you play poker at a club called The Inventory. Plain and simple ehough.

What? Oh, those characters from other famous games and websites? Those are just your opponents. Awesome, right? Gabe from Penny Arcade, Max from the Sam & Max games, Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2, and Strong Bad from all sit down at a table and play poker, all while having legitimate conversations with each other. When I say legitimate, I mean they will talk to each other and behave in a manner where their personalities clash or syncronize. Impressive to say the least, but it doesn't even end there. Unlockables for the game and items for other games lie in store for the Hold'em master that can best all their opponents. A really great time waster if you like card games.


This is another game where I'm not quite sure why I didn't mention it earlier, because it's probably the best thing there is in gaming for 4-player spellcasting combat as well as griefing the hell out of your friends. 

Similar to a dungeon crawler, Magicka is a top-down adventure game where you play a wizard. You have 8 spell elements that you can combine up to 5 of any order or amount and then proceed to destroy monsters (and/or your friends) with whatever spell you come up with. It's not a bad buy for the price of ten dollars, but there is a LOT of DLC. A LOT. For good reason too, because the gameplay behind Magicka is so wonderful that you will probably replay it over and over despite the prospective boredom. There are tons and TONS of different spell combinations to discover and try as well as an equal amount of ways to gain glory in PvP/ destroy the hell out of your comrades.

There's never a shortage of great games on Steam, and soon, there might not be a shortage of software in general. Intriguing? Damn right.

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