Saturday, August 25, 2012

Short but Sweet

Wish I could make a longer post, but I didn't have a lot of time today because of work and the incoming school year that I'm working on not sucking at.

I currently have mixed feelings towards consoles right now. The nostalgic and comfortable feeling of holding a controller (that doesn't blow chunks *cough* original Xbox *cough*) will never go away and there's just a general feeling about sitting in front of your television that seems right.

The advent and growth of PC gaming, with the advantage of mods and intelligent programmers, can open up new windows and create new content themselves, as well as possibly fix or improve upon things that the developers may not have gotten right.

I think you can see what I mean. I'm not saying I prefer one over the other, because I like video games and I'll play either a console or a PC game with no hesitation. While it may be true that some game experiences fare better on consoles or the PC more than the other, I have no personal preference. To be fair though, because of this feeling of unease, I am playing more games on my PC currently. Steam is still kind of awesome.

The proof is in the players. See for yourself.

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