Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hey! Listen! (to this person): Bob Chipman

I'm back from the hell-hole known as Finals Week, and I'm glad it's over with. I celebrated with a ceremonial, friendly trip to the movie theater to see Marvel's The Avengers, and if you know me and any other nerd on this planet, then you would have gone insane. Even if you're not a nerd, this movie is RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME. Go and see it. NOW.

Actually, wait. Let me tell you about Bob Chipman first.

Bob "moviebob" Chipman is one of the reasons why I have become interested in films and movies more recently as well as broadening my knowledge on video games. Pretty much everything there is to see and know is over on this blog linked above, but to tell the truth, he does so much more than that.

He makes a show about thinking logically about gaming as a gamer, and though it does have a funny side story attached, he shows that the content he speaks of should be taken seriously through his thorough reasoning and critical thinking. Though I wouldn't say he's the all-knowing deity of gaming, the points he offers are always something that makes you think, which is his intended goal.

Another show he produces is found on The Escapist, where he talks a short review every Friday of a recent movie. He, being a fellow nerd, loved the hell out of the Avengers as I did, and he always offers his own film-critical views on each movie he reviews. (I believe he once stated that he was primarily an amateur film critic first, but don't quote me on that. He does have access to these movies before their release as a member of the press, so he is able to review movies the same day they are released in theaters. He even writes an article to accompany this show as well (and this week was about the revelations that came about in The Avengers. SPOILER WARNING!!)

A third show he more recently began making (he seems to work really hard on giving us outstanding content, which I personally appreciate as a fan of games, movies, and himself :) ) is where he talks about whatever the hell he feels like. Quoted from his first episode of this new show: "I am working for crazy people." Any kind of geek or nerd culture item that he feels like talking about is what this show is about, and I've found it entertaining as well as educational to learn about some things I may not have known about before. Ranging from cartoons to comics to television to games, this show has got everything else that encompasses the stereotypical "nerd" culture, and I love it.

This gentleman of a film critic / gamer / nerd is a god among geeks and a celebrity among the denizens of the internet (though he commonly refers to himself as a "Z-list" celebrity). I highly recommend listening to his shows as well as reading his blog which he regularly updates.

Moviebob, if you're out there and you somehow come across this post, thank you for allowing me to learn about my interests and culture, and I wish you well in your Overthinking endeavors. :)

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