Monday, May 21, 2012

Spirit Released

So some interesting things happened over the past week or so. I moved into a new apartment and didn't have internet or cable for a day and a half. Diablo III came out. I played a game with motorcycles. I rediscovered that air conditioning, though not needed, is still nice when it's 83 degrees outside, but no apartment within two square miles has any, so tough sh*t I guess.

Oh, and I stopped playing World of Warcraft.

Pictured above is my favorite instance that I had the pleasure to run and experience: Ulduar. Brilliant bosses, first (official) featured hard modes, and so much story and lore that your pockets would explode even if you didn't have any of the epic loots that we all know and love. It was simply a masterpiece in my eyes.

Somehow, between now and then, something went wrong. I can confidently say that nothing currently excites me about this game. Call it "overexposure" or maybe even my own cynicism, but for the past couple of years, it's always the same cycle every several months. If I'm not having fun, then why am I continuing to play? Simple logic, right?

Things are bright and happy when a new patch is released, because there's new bosses and new items and new features, and that goes for expansions too. It holds for a little while, but it holds my attention for about a month before we're done and working on hard modes, which have changed from a "challenge mode" of a boss to a buffed damage and health version with one new ability that puts a subtle twist. I'm not saying this is necessarily bad, but I am saying that I'm finding it boring.

Now, before people approach me and start yelling at me about random things, I suggest you go read this first. It's a little dated, but it covers some related things I'm about to say.

WoW is not a bad game. For the love of gaming, it's the most popular MMO in existence right now and literally almost every single other fantasy MMORPG is copying it in some form, hoping to strike it rich. Blizzard wouldn't be continuously improving and adding in features to their game if people didn't think it was good, and one person saying otherwise is either stupid, insane, lying, or by some chance that they do have a valid point, it is usually a carefully constructed argument that other players are able to chime in on, and with enough support, can be noticed and taken care of. The players are the ones that offer feedback and shape the game, and Blizzard just does all of the work needing elbow grease. Following this logic, you could think that by calling it bad, you yourself are causing it to be bad for you. While I personally am not interested in anything in the game anymore out of boredom, I wouldn't say anything less about the game other than it is great, well-designed fun at it's finest.

Ranting aside, I am glad with the time I spent playing World of Warcraft. Before 2010, I hadn't found a guild to remain in, and the one I found was full of people that fit what I was looking for: a guild focused on progression, but goes about it casually enough to have a fun raiding environment. I met tons of people over the years and they are honestly some of the best friends I've met in my life, and that's saying something considering I only know them through this game. Through thick and thin, I had a ton of fun times, and part of me will sadly miss them.

Finally, to those of you who are still on the outside, looking in, let me tell you something. If you want a hobby and don't mind spending a little money, World of Warcraft is an AWESOME game. Don't be fooled or judged by all the intimidation, rumors, and assholes that say hurtful and sometimes blatantly incorrect crap (obviously, if you can't judge your own tendencies, then you've got a problem). There is a LOT to do, especially with the upcoming expansion this year, and it will keep you occupied for a long, LONG time.

As for me, I'm off to kill some of the denizens of hell. Who knows though? I'll probably return someday. Until then, I bid you farewell, Azeroth. Stay true to your roots, and may we cross paths again someday.

(You'll be back. They always come back..." -Shadowpuck, Night Elf Rogue, US-Stormreaver)

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