Thursday, May 24, 2012

Xbox Banhammer

According to recent news, Microsoft and the Xbox 360 are in violation of a couple of patents being held by well-known mobile phone developer Motorola.

Well, at least they were able to catch this before the Xbox went to market. Oh wait...

Still, this spells out a bleak future if it can't be settled. Patent violations aren't taken very lightly, and for a product that's been around for more than half a decade, it's an understatement to say that it's sort of a big deal.

Several actions have been taken so far. The country of Germany has initiated a flat-out ban of Xbox's being sold anywhere in their territory, even going as far as recalling ones on store shelves to destroy them. Luckily, a US Court decision has held up that ruling to give Microsoft an opportunity to go through an appealing process. Most recently, a judge has recommended the banning of all Xbox 360 imports into the US. Fortunately, a council-wide decision would have to be settled upon by the International Trade Commission before such drastic action is taken.

Details aside, somebody's got to give. In my opinion, it all seems rather silly, especially considering the specific patents that Microsoft is infringing upon that they say are "standard essential" for their piece of technology. Not to demonize Motorola, because they are correct in calling out Microsoft on their violation, but if the pieces of technology are essential to a media platform like an Xbox 360, who's to say they won't be essential for future pieces of hardware, especially ones that are meant to advance the way we use video games, technology, and media in general?

Hopefully, Motorola will allow their patents to be used "on fair and reasonable terms", as Microsoft puts it. I am hopeful myself that all will turn out well, because to have the first video game console developed outside of Japan banned in my country fills me with a feeling of bleakness and despair...

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