Thursday, September 20, 2012

Games I Haven't Tried Until Now: Ratchet & Clank

I was admittedly not a big fan of the Playstation 2 outside of Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts when it was at it's prime. It was the most dominant console at the time, but I mostly stuck to my Gamecube and my Gameboy Advance. I look back at this time and wonder what I might have missed, and frankly, I'm a bit saddened that I did miss this one.

I've only recently started playing Ratchet & Clank, and while I'm making my way through the game slowly (read: busy college guy), I somehow find it entrancing. Every new level comes with a new weapon that you can only guess at what it does when you see it, and using them all is even more fun. Saying there are too many weapons in this game is ludicrous, because you choose which you want to use the most and that defines your playstyle, which in a way defines your experience with the game. That's amazingly awesome. The platforming, the shooting, the hidden items, and the puzzles all combine into something seriously addicting.

The characters are wonderfully enjoyable as well. Ratchet himself seems a little stubborn but with a good heart, Clank is probably the bravest tiny animated robot I've ever seen anywhere, and Captain Quark, according to one of my good friends that has played through most (or all, I can't remember) of the Ratchet & Clank games describes him as an "egotistical, clumsy oaf, but hilarious". While some characters in some games are remembers by players solely for their heroism and actions, you'd definitely remember these ones not just from that but from their one-liners and ridiculous scenes they get themselves into.

I'm currently still playing though, so I haven't experienced this entire game yet. Good news though, because I also now have Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal, the two sequels that took place on the Playstation 2 alongside the original, and my goal is to finish all three before the end of this school year.

Best of luck to me I guess...

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