Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Style of Gangnam

Sometimes I think the differences between my home country of the United States and other countries are just too vast and confusing to understand, and frankly, sometimes that might be correct.

This however...might just be my favorite video to come from Youtube in a long, long time.

It's funny when you think about it, how you can compare the crazy antics in this music video and song to some other things that our country has brought out. Remember the video of Katy Perry in her song with Snoop Dogg? You know what I'm talking about.

Still, I love this video and this song, because not only is PSY funny and entertaining, but his song is so catchy that you'll be wanting to do the trademark Gangnam Style dance down the sidewalk, not giving a damn about anyone staring at you.

Now just think of what South Korea thinks of some of our music videos and imagine how much they're laughing... :P

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