Sunday, February 19, 2012

Games on Steam You Should Be Playing (1)

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Steam? Oh wait, yes I have.

There have been many Indie games that have exploded into popularity as a result of being cheaply available on Steam, and I'm here to offer you all some quick insights. Of course, this list is by no means exhaustive, hence the "1" in the title of this post. I'll keep this going as a recurring thing whenever there are a few games that I love and play on Steam and that I think you should throw money at your computer screen for.

Without further ado...

Tower defense games have been receiving overlooks and remakes like crazy recently, and Dungeon Defenders is no exception. You play as one of four available classes that are able to erect defense mechanisms and attack with their weapons to defend the eternia crystal (e.g. your home base). Easy enough to understand, but difficult to master, especially when you get into later levels with multiple bases to defend and many entrances that enemies come out of.

It is possible to go alone, but one of the main hallmarks of Dungeon Defenders is the ability to play with up to four other players, which is ridiculously fun. More monsters will spawn as a result, but combining and strategizing with your teammates can ultimately shut down the enemy waves so hard that sometimes you can just sit back and watch the carnage.

There is also PvP and challenge type maps that I have yet to try, but the multiplayer aspect of this game as well as fun and challenging gameplay in addition to constant downloadable content definitely makes it worth $15.

First starting out on the Xbox Live Arcade, Limbo made it's way over to Steam a while ago and is continuing its popularity trend, and it deserves it. I haven't made it all the way through this game yet, but believe me when I say that you will be utterly shocked at how original and creative it is. Currently $10, it tells a tale of a boy who is searching for his sister in a dark, mysterious and cruel world.

It is primarily a puzzle solver, and a great one at that, but it is VERY easy to die. You do respawn nearby every time, but in order to succeed at this game, you not only need to pay attention to your surroundings to avoid death, but to be prepared for any and all surprises that lurk around every corner. This game is dark (literally), entertaining, possibly morbid, and great fun. If you put it down, you will want to go back and play it again to see what happens next.

If you do not own this game yet, get it right now. Do it. I will wait for you to buy it. It is $10. Why are you still reading? Do it now.

Audiosurf can best be described as "iTunes, but with really cool visuals and a catchy video game built in". It can search for any music file you have saved on your computer, turn that file into a race track of sorts, and you play a game while riding the track it created. The type of game and way you can play depends on the type of little ship you select, but the general idea is to collect the good blocks and avoid the bad ones in order to get the highest score possible.

Any game that can integrate your music like this is awesome. Not only can you listen to the music you love, but the game is literally designed around that same music. Easy to pick up but difficult to master, Audiosurf will keep you occupied for hours and hours and hours, or at least as long as you don't run out of music, but even then they have some free tracks and radios that you can use.

This is only a few of the games that have soared on Steam, and I'll have more next time. Until then, why haven't you bought Audiosurf yet? Get out and go do it. NOW.

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