Friday, February 3, 2012

The World's Best Hat Simulator

Sandviches are tasty, aren't they? Filled with tasty cheese, lettuce, your choice of lunch meat, all between two delicious slices of bread.

What? You were expecting something else? I thought I'd make my post this time about sandviches. I don't know what you're talking about.

Team Fortress 2 is a first-person shooter available for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 (The only version that matters is the PC one. Let's be honest.) It is FREE TO PLAY, read that again, and downloadable off of Steam. Yes, that Steam. You used to have to pay $20 dollars for this game, but recently the game went free-to-play due to the overwhelmingly popular in-game item shop.

Aside from the ungodly amount of memes and hilarious in-jokes related to this game, if you haven't heard about it by now, then you need to smack yourself, because not only is this one of the few first-person shooters that I'll play actively, but Team Fortress 2 is a fountain of endless fun and replayability. It is all multiplayer though, and depending on which server you select at first, the difficulty curve is a little steep, but even losing in this game is fun. How many other games can you say that for?

There are 9 different characters you can play as with playstyles for everyone ranging from the outrageously fast but fragile Scout, the turret-building Engineer, the long-range Sniper, or the wonderfully grief-tastic Spy. You select the red or blue team depending on whether you want to play defense or offense respectively, and the two teams are pitted against each other on one of many maps with one of several objectives depending on the server you chose. These include Territory Control, Capture the "Enemy Intelligence" (i.e. flag), Payload (push the cart to the end of the track), King of the Hill, and several others.

I mentioned an in-game item shop earlier, and it doesn't disappoint. You can buy different weapons that affect your class, different Use items (like the Sandvich :P), and any amount of hats from the towering mountain of choices. A running joke, as you can see by the title, is that too much emphasis is put on the store and hats by players, which does have merit, but then again, they're too cool to take the concern seriously, so who the hell cares. No money to buy hats? That's okay. There is an in-game crafting system where you can craft almost ANYTHING available in the store, and you can get items as random drops while playing as well. The items you don't keep can be broken down into parts to use for the crafting.

All in all, Team Fortress 2 is a hilariously fun game, even for those of you that don't like first-person shooters all that much like myself. With a laundry list of servers and endless possibilities for games, you will never get bored. Go here to download it, and best of luck on the battlefield.

Which character is my favorite? Easy. *ahem* Gentlemen...

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