Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Handheld Home Front

So...there's another Playstation handheld device coming out in the next week here in North America, dubbed the Playstation Vita (read: VEE-TUH)

Now, I know what you're thinking. First, deja vu right? Didn't this happen before? Second, will history repeat itself? Will the Vita fail as the PSP did, emphasizing graphics and features over a sizable load of popular launch titles, ultimately leading to its downfall? Third, why don't you post more often Cláymore? You should really remember your blog more often.

1. Yes, it did.
2. As of right now, it seems likely.
3. School sucks, but you sort of need it.

What? You want longer answers? Okay fine.

Making a new device that wouldn't repeat the mistakes of the slowly-yet-painfully dying PSP seemed likely honestly, as Sony saw the possible profits in the handheld market judging on the dominating Nintendo and the ever-intrusive-but-still-awesome Apple and their app store from heaven.

While I applaud the creation of new devices to turn more people into gamers and diversify the culture a little more, I'm finding Sony's target audience for these handhelds confusing. Are they supposed to be for everybody? For people who want to be cool? For school D-bags that want something to throw at the nerds for target practice? According to the most recent (and thankfully dead) PSP commercials, it seemed like the second choice with the Kevin Butler-like kid that everybody now hates (and don't pretend you don't. He was ANNOYING AS HELL.) If the Nintendo DS and the iPhone are for "kids", then the PSP is for rim-hat-wearing tools that are completely ignorant of the big picture.

Thankfully, the ad campaign so far doesn't seem to be like this. So far I've only noticed a running deal Sony has going with Taco Bell where you can possibly win a Vita by buying a $5 box meal. It's creative, but fast food? Well okay then...(Note: I like Taco Bell.)

Still, according to the now almost 2 months of sales in Japan, the PS Vita is currently selling LESS than it's predecessor per week, yet Sony doesn't seem very concerned. Granted that it has yet to come out in America as of right now, but still, that's a little bit worrisome in my opinion.

Having some friendly competition in the handheld gaming scene is all fine, and I like that Sony is at least trying to improve on what they had before that clearly sucked, but right now it doesn't appear as if they know what they are doing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the "gameplay over graphics" thing repeated itself enough times by now? Hell, even the company that runs on that ideology screwed it up at first with the 3DS, and it took a sizable price drop and the launch of better titles to get it up and running.

You'd think that the second go-around wouldn't be another learning experience, but I suppose we will just have to wait and see.

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