Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Despicable (part 3): Hey! Listen! (to this person): Jim Sterling

The final part of this series of posts on the asshole-ish Electronic Arts is not about EA themselves, but about this man pictured above who was featured in the video I showed you all a week ago: Mr. Jim Sterling. Thank God for him.

If you haven't gotten the joke yet, go watch some of his videos. He's a seemingly narcissistic bastard of a person, and yet, you can't help but just love him and everything he says. He's outrageously funny, even for the sometimes NSFW videos that he makes. His self-centered attitude is the character he plays in his videos (similar to how Ben Croshaw plays his character Yahtzee), so if you can get over that and realize that he's actually a very intelligent person, then you'll greatly enjoy what he has to say about video games and the industry.

To say the least, this guy has some enormous balls to speak about some of the shit that he does. He's called out many a company (such as EA) on their greedy and pathetic behavior and practices, as well as criticized niches of people for their reactions and behaviors over events in the gaming industry. While it may be strange having this fat guy you barely know standing on his soapbox yelling at you, his vast knowledge and aggressive, yet very well-thought-out arguments back him up and then some, so  he has the right to do so in my eyes.

Yes, he does have a show over at The Escapist. How did you know? Not all of his shows are criticisms either, as he himself this week addressed how seriously gamers take the issue of rape appearing in a video game compared to the endless amounts of murder in games, and he presents a mature, valid argument with many valid points.

If you are interested at all in the politics of gaming, or if you want to be given a straight answer on controversial issues without being fed any bullshit, look for Jim Sterling. Thank God for him, because he may just be a god himself.

Below is the first of three episodes that Jim did a while ago on piracy. They are my personal favorites, and are a great example of his work. You can also find him on Destructoid.com, where he is a journalist that posts regularly about gaming news.

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