Saturday, June 16, 2012

Games on Steam You Should Be Playing (3)

It's that time again where I remind you all out there that your wallet is not safe from this gaming monster, so let's get to it.

Beat Hazard

For those who like playing their own music when gaming, except the entire point of this game is your own music.

Basically, think "Asteroids", but with random bosses and enemies, and the music you select changes the difficulty of the level. If the music you pick is slow and mellow, the enemies will be the same, hardly being a challenge. If you pick something fast and beat-heavy, you'll be in a hellish world filled with bullets and death. It gets more and more difficult the longer the song lasts, so those 7 minute death metal songs you want to give a shot at will probably leave you mentally exhausted. Did I mention that the heaviness of the song beats determines how much your ship fires? Holy hell.

With power-ups and special abilities, it's some great fun, especially since your difficulty is determined entirely by the song you choose.


It's Pong, but you're playing against a robot, and the robot is chucking tennis balls at you at the speed of sound.

Seriously though, little bits will fly at your "pong paddle" and you have to stop them from passing you. Easy enough right? Well, some of them bounce after you hit them and return again, some stop before they hit you, and some are even invisible! Luckily, there's a beat in the background that all the bits will strike your paddle to the beat of, so it's usually easy to keep track of when you have to move where.

Cool music, fun gameplay, though it is a little on the short side.

Super Meat Boy

Ignore the name of the game and the above picture for a second and read the following line:

This game will drive you insane.

It will kick you inbetween the legs, punch you in the face, and then proceed to stomp on your injured torso while you lie on the ground in pain. With that said, it's REALLY FUN.

I love platformers, and this game brings so much to the table that you will never be bored. The gameplay is so basic, yet so challenging that it will made my sense of nostalgia explode out of sheer excitement. I wouldn't say it's for everyone, but if you want a challenge, finishing this game is worth it.

If you want a description of what the game is, read this: You are Meat Boy. You must save Bandage Girl. Your enemy is Doctor Fetus. Don't die.

No, really. That's it, especially that last part. Don't die. You will die of course, and you'll do it A LOT, but just don't and you win. Easy.

If you still have questions, refer yourself to the following video:

By the way, those parts where you see a TON of Meat Boys doing the level? You get a replay after you beat every level of every time you died in addition to your one success.

...Oh god...

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