Friday, June 8, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph

I've been telling everyone I know about this upcoming movie all week. It just received it's first trailer, and if you're a gamer, you're probably going to end up watching it. After you see the above video, you might have the urge to just keep continuously throwing money at your screen to make it come out faster.

The list of game characters that I can recognize so far are the infamous Bowser from nearly every single Mario game, M. Bison and Zangief from Street Fighter, Dr. Robotnik from every Sonic game (yes, shut up, it's Robotnik, I don't care), Clyde from Pac-man (the orange ghost), and I think I recognize the rhino on the left as the final boss of Altered Beast. I also see the popular Q-Bert, and if you look hard enough, you might find Chun-Li, and I think the Medusa eye from Castlevania (not sure on that one).

Holy hell. Did Disney really make something like this? It looks like something out of Pixar in terms of coolness. Granted I have nostalgia for the House of Mouse, but I'm somewhat shocked and relieved that they're still alive and kicking!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bank to withdraw some more money to throw at my computer screen.

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